Sisterhood of The World Bloggers Award



1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you.

2. Answer 10 questions that the nominator has given you.

3. Nominate 10 other bloggers and create 10 questions for nominees and notify them of their nomination.

First and most importantly thank you to My Some What Beauty Blog for nominating me!

1. What is your favourite post you have made?

I think my favourite post is a random one from when I got my new camera so I did a little pet photo shoot.

2. Who is your favorite beauty guru?

Definitely Miss Budget Beauty! I love Khila’s blog and YouTube channel. She’s an English YouTube so I love the fact she’s talking about things I can get and on a budget!

3. What kind of pets do you have?

I have 2 cats and 1 dog. Who you can see in the linked post above. But my poor little dog isn’t very well so she’s getting extra cuddles and treats.

4. What’s one thing you want your followers/readers to know about you?

I’m crazy!! But the good kind of crazy. My boyfriend calls me his crazy lady haha. I’m the funny kind of crazy not the psycho killer crazy haha

5. What is the thing you are most proud of in your life?

The day I qualified as a hairdresser! I worked in a salon for 2 years and the manager was a horrible woman! She used to tell me that I would never qualify and I would never be a hairdresser. So the day I qualified I was so happy to prove her wrong and prove to myself that I could do it. Unfortunately not long after due to health reasons I had to give it up which made me sad but I love that I can still say that I did it!

6. What advice do you wish you knew/listened to when you were younger?

Don’t care what other people think about you! If I’d have listened when I was younger I don’t think I would have been so unhappy and I wouldn’t have been such an angry teenager at home!

7. If you could have a coffee date with anyone in the world, who would you choose it to be with?

If were talking famous I would say Alyssa Milano. I’ve been obsessed with Charmed for so long it would be amazing haha.

8. Favourite thing in the room you are currently in?

My Yankee Candle in mango peach salsa. It’s such a gorgeous fruity smell and I’m obsessed with candles in general

9. Top 5 songs of all time?

This is a very strange list haha be prepared

Bob Marley – Three Little Birds.

Bob Marley – No Woman No Cry

Mis-teeq – Nitro

Bob Marley – Redemption Song

Evanescence – My Immortal

10. What superpower would you want?

Being obsessed with Charmed I’ve thought about this many times lol. I think I would have to say going with healing I hate seeing people in pain plus I would use it now to make my dog better!

I nominate anyone who wants to answer the question or do this tag!

My questions for anyone who wants to answer them are below.

1. Whats the one thing you couldn’t live without?

2. Who is your main inspiration in life?

3. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

4. If you could pick one company to work for who and why?

5. What’s your favourite perfume?

6. Tell us a secret?

7. Do any of your friends and family know about your blog?

8. If you won the lottery what’s the first thing you would do?

9. What is your dream job?

10. You’re stuck on an island what 2 things do you take with you?

I hope you guys like this post! If you answer the question leave me a link so I can check out your answers!

 XO Becky

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